A five-week online writing experience designed for 8 to 12 year olds (although age limits are flexible).
The purpose of Screen Scribes is to encourage writing confidence. Feedback is supportive and constructive. Writing is not ...
The Blogs
Friday 15th February
Sports group for those aged 12 years & over. Details to be advised.
Wednesday 13th February Westend swimming starts.
All enquiries/registrations to Hester B (on the Contact page).
Tuesday 12th February
10am, maximum of 30 people. No cost but a donation from each family would be a nice gesture or option to become friends of the rescue helicoter - forms available on the ...
Monday 11th February Freyberg swimming starts.
All enquiries, registrations etc are to be directed to Maria F (on the Contact page).
Friday 8th February
Awesome fun gymnastics for school age children
Waldegrave Street, Barber Hall
Inquiries to Melissa L (on the Contact page).
Fridays 8th Feb - 19 April
11.45 - 12.30ish 9yrs and under ( + boys group, ...
Thursday 7th February
Making the most of the great summer weather, lets get together for a picnic, play, swim and hang out. 11.30 onwards, Memorial Park, Napier Road, PN. Bring your own picnic lunch, togs ...
ENTER NOW!It is the time to register your interest in Festival ’13! Are you an actor, story teller, producer, camera operator, dancer, sound guru, motion graphics artist or musician? Well here is something for ...
A five-week online writing experience designed for 8 to 12 year olds (although age limits are flexible).
The purpose of Screen Scribes is to encourage writing confidence. Feedback is supportive and constructive. Writing is not ...